We choose to source our ingredients from certified organic plantations around the world. Wherever possible, we work with certified Fair trade plantations and support fair working conditions for communities, growers and their families. We aim to continue to support practices which ensure minimal impact on our environment, and fairer working conditions for the important people along this journey

We choose to source our ingredients from certified organic plantations around the world. Wherever possible, we work with certified Fair trade plantations and support fair working conditions for communities, growers and their families. We aim to continue to support practices which ensure minimal impact on our environment, and fairer working conditions for the important people along this journey
May 2, 2016 jp

We choose to source our ingredients from certified organic plantations around the world. Wherever possible, we work with certified Fair trade plantations and support fair working conditions for communities, growers and their families. We aim to continue to support practices which ensure minimal impact on our environment, and fairer working conditions for the important people along this journey drinkgreattea lovetea organictea sharegreattea tea ethicaltea