5 Ingredient Matcha Smoothie Recipe

5 Ingredient Matcha Smoothie Recipe
10月 30, 2017 LOVE TEA

If you’ve tried Matcha, but just aren’t quite convinced, there are many other ways to consume this tea, and still receive all the therapeutic benefits. One of the easiest ways is to mix it into a smoothie.

The recipe couldn’t be easier…

You’ll need:

  • A blender
  • 1 teaspoon of organic Matcha powder
  • 2 frozen organic bananas
  • 1 handful of frozen mango (or an alternative sweet fruit to soften the bitterness of matcha)
  • 2 cups of coconut milk (or a milk/mylk of your choice)
  • 2 teaspoons of chia seeds

To make, simply blend all ingredients together and sprinkle with blueberries or goji berries for extra antioxidants and a splash of colour.