Golden Spice Kiwi Icypoles

Golden Spice Kiwi Icypoles
February 9, 2018 jp

Creamy, sweet and great vitality boost… check out the recipe for our Golden Spice Kiwi icypoles.

You’ll need:

  • 1 teaspoon of Love Tea Golden Spice
  • Milk or mylk of choice (we recommend coconut)
  • Sweetner of choice (maple syrup, rice malt or honey)
  • Optional: a dash of vanilla or vanilla beans
  • Kiwi fruit sliced thinly
  • Icypole tray

To make, we recommend brewing the Golden Spice the same way that you would a chai, but without straining it. Add half a teaspoon of the Golden Spice blend per serve into a tea pot or saucepan, and cover with boiling water for 10 seconds (or bring water to boil). Add sweetner and vanilla if using, stir, and allow to cool, and then add cold milk or mylk. This blend is designed to be consumed whole to ensure optimal therapeutic benefit, so do not strain. Pour into the icypole tray, add in a few slices of kiwi fruit and freeze. Freeze overnight and enjoy the next day!