M O R N I N G T E A with a little @pana_chocolate + fresh spring blooms @__2littlebirds__
M O R N I N G T E A with a little @pana_chocolate + fresh spring blooms @__2littlebirds__ lovetea drinkgreattea morningtea organic
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|It’s give away time!| White Rose Goji is the perfect spring tea + from today thru to Sunday, all orders over $20 will receive a free box of White Rose Goji pyramids. Happy Friday!
|It’s give away time!| White Rose Goji is the perfect spring tea + from today thru to Sunday, all orders over $20 will receive a free box of White Rose Goji pyramids. Happy Friday! drinkgreattea lovetea organic antioxidants
a snap shot of Licorice Chai spices, all our loose leaf blends are combined by hand here in Geelong, VIC to ensure the best tea drinking experience.
a snap shot of Licorice Chai spices, all our loose leaf blends are combined by hand here in Geelong, VIC to ensure the best tea drinking experience. lovetea drinkgreattea chai organic
Saturday morning harvest from our garden. Happy weekend
Saturday morning harvest from our garden. Happy weekend
Individually hand rolled and full of life, these Jasmine Pearls or Buddhas tears, gently unfold in your cup…as beautiful to watch as they are to drink.
Individually hand rolled and full of life, these Jasmine Pearls or Buddhas tears, gently unfold in your cup…as beautiful to watch as they are to drink. lovetea drinkgreattea organic loveorganictea
Perfect night for a treat like this, caffeine free dandelion chai and @liefjegram chocolate. Thanks for the gorgeous pic @kazziieee xxx
Perfect night for a treat like this, caffeine free dandelion chai and @liefjegram chocolate. Thanks for the gorgeous pic @kazziieee xxx drinkgreattea lovetea loveorganictea treats lovegreattea organic
We are super excited to have these two great teas…Licorice Love & Immunity…now available in pyramid infusers! To celebrate, we are giving away this beautiful 4 pack. Simply re-post and @lovechailovetea for your chance to win. The winner will be drawn on December 1st…Good luck Xxx #1%fortheplanet
We are super excited to have these two great teas…Licorice Love & Immunity…now available in pyramid infusers! To celebrate, we are giving away this beautiful 4 pack. Simply re-post and drinkgreattea @lovechailovetea for your chance to win. The winner will be drawn on December 1st…Good luck Xxx biodegradable drinkgreattea freetea lovetea australian organic naturopathic 1%fortheplanet giveaway
It’s a cracking day here in Sydney at the Newtown Fest! Good weather, good vibes, good times. We will be here til 6pm along with a whole bunch of great stalls, band & peeps
It’s a cracking day here in Sydney at the Newtown Fest! Good weather, good vibes, good times. We will be here til 6pm along with a whole bunch of great stalls, band & peeps drintgreattea organictea organic lovetea lovechailovetea lovechai markets festival love
It’s Tea Time! We have a select range of zero japan tea pots, cups and gift sets available from our online store www.lovechai.com.au Great christmas gift idea! Limited stock available though so get in quick!
It’s Tea Time! We have a select range of zero japan tea pots, cups and gift sets available from our online store www.lovechai.com.au Great christmas gift idea! Limited stock available though so get in quick! teatime teaset lovetea zerojapan highquality maketeainstyle drinkgreattea organic christmasgift
Monday afternoon organic green tea cupping. A subtle smokey flavour with a refreshing antioxidant pick me up. Just what we feel like on a beautiful spring afternoon
Monday afternoon organic green tea cupping. A subtle smokey flavour with a refreshing antioxidant pick me up. Just what we feel like on a beautiful spring afternoon drinkgreattea organic organictea lovetea lovechailovetea happymonday
Looking forward to The Finders Keepers market in Melbourne tonight and tomorrow! Great gifts, hand made designer goods…and so much more. We will have our full range and a coupe of new blends too. We would love to see you there! Xx
Looking forward to The Finders Keepers market in Melbourne tonight and tomorrow! Great gifts, hand made designer goods…and so much more. We will have our full range and a coupe of new blends too. We would love to see you there! Xx melbourne finderskeepers designer handmade create gifts madewithlove organic teatime lovechai lovetea seeyouthere
The Love Chai Love Tea team are super excited for the next four days @finefoodexpo Melbourne…such a great event!
The Love Chai Love Tea team are super excited for the next four days @finefoodexpo Melbourne…such a great event! finefoods australia expo lovechailovetea organic teatime melbourne yum greatfood health melbourneevents
Thankyou @tomorganic for these wonderful gifts and for creating such an amazing range of pure, organic, feminine hygiene products. If you haven’t yet found these guys, check out tomorganic.com.au Good for you, and for the planet.
Thankyou @tomorganic for these wonderful gifts and for creating such an amazing range of pure, organic, feminine hygiene products. If you haven’t yet found these guys, check out tomorganic.com.au Good for you, and for the planet. organic australian thankyou tomorganics musthave health wellbeing
Thank you @loving_earth! What great pairing of the new Creamy Coconut Mylk Choc and lovechailovetea Digestive blend…just perfect. If you haven’t yet tried the Loving Earth range…you are in for such a treat!
Thank you @loving_earth! What great pairing of the new Creamy Coconut Mylk Choc and lovechailovetea Digestive blend…just perfect. If you haven’t yet tried the Loving Earth range…you are in for such a treat! organic yum ohsogoodforyou australian lovingearth fairtrade madewithlove lovechailovetea naturopath wholesome chocolateandtea snacktime
Thank you Home Grown Magazine for this months profile feature on Love Chai Love Tea. Home Grown is all about sustainable living, Eco friendly ideas, healthy living & so much more. Grab your copy now!
Thank you Home Grown Magazine for this months profile feature on Love Chai Love Tea. Home Grown is all about sustainable living, Eco friendly ideas, healthy living & so much more. Grab your copy now! homegrown sustainableliving health australian lovechailovetea organic fairtrade greatread ecofriendly teatime
Many thanks to Nourish magazine for this cute feature on @lovechailovetea A great magazine for all your health and wellness tips!
Many thanks to Nourish magazine for this cute feature on @lovechailovetea A great magazine for all your health and wellness tips! australian nourish greatread organic biodegradable teainfusers lemongrass yum fairtrade lovetea
Good morning Sydney! Aroma fest is on again today from 10-5pm at the Rocks…a must see for all tea and coffee lovers!
Good morning Sydney! Aroma fest is on again today from 10-5pm at the Rocks…a must see for all tea and coffee lovers! aromafest therocks sydney coffee tea organic lovechailovetea sundayfun
The wait is over! Love Chai Love Tea have created something special…just for you! We are so excited to bring you 14 unique, certified organic, pyramid tea bag blends, now available online & in stores. These taste amazing, offer a range of health benefits & the tea bags are biodegradable! We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed creating them. Thanks for your support! Photo by @sarah_mack
The wait is over! Love Chai Love Tea have created something special…just for you! We are so excited to bring you 14 unique, certified organic, pyramid tea bag blends, now available online & in stores. These taste amazing, offer a range of health benefits & the tea bags are biodegradable! We hope you enjoy them as much as we enjoyed creating them. Thanks for your support! Photo by @sarah_mack pyramidteabags organic fairtrade lovechailovetea organic naturopathic tea chai herbaltea madewithlove biodegradable teabags teatime yum hooray amazingphotos
There’s something new on brew at Love Chai Love Tea and we can’t wait to share it with you! Many thanks to @sarah_mack for another amazing photo shoot, such a talented one x
There’s something new on brew at Love Chai Love Tea and we can’t wait to share it with you! Many thanks to @sarah_mack for another amazing photo shoot, such a talented one x photoshoot melbourne tea newrange organic fairtrade bestphotographer
L.A here we come! Love Chai Love Tea are off to The World Tea Expo for a week of all things tea!
L.A here we come! Love Chai Love Tea are off to The World Tea Expo for a week of all things tea! worldteaexpo teatime LA organic expo usa fairtrade