T E A…three simple letters…the word on everyone’s lips.

T E A…three simple letters…the word on everyone’s lips.
June 14, 2013 jp

Rain hits the roof, the cold is all around us, so find your favourite cosy corner, light the fire and snuggle up with a hot cup of tea. It is warming, hydrating and beneficial for your body and soul.  But, if that’s not enough…here’s three beneficial reasons to drink tea this winter.

1. Green Tea

Winter is the toughest time for most people to maintain their weight and uphold a healthy, fresh diet, full of antioxidants, rich fruit and vegetables that our body’s both need and want. Overindulgence occurs from time-to-time and more fatty foods defiantly have their place and purpose in insulating us and helping us stay warm. However, it is important to note that there is a fine balance between the consumption of healthy fats and maintaining a healthy weight.
But what can we do to aid weight loss and keep healthy this winter?

If you only choose one tea to add as a staple to your diet this winter, let it be green tea. This antioxidant rich tea will help reduce oxidative stress and free radical damage which we are in contact with daily and even more so when we are stuck in doors throughout winter. Antioxidants are your body’s army, which will help protect your cells from damage.

Secondly, green tea has been shown to increase metabolism, thus, aiding weight loss. What a perfect time to have a helping hand in that department, as we snuggle up indoors and enter a few months of hibernation!

2. Caffeine Free Chai

My second tea of choice this winter would have to be Caffeine free chai. Yes, chai normally contains the same amount of caffeine as black tea, which can be quite stimulating if you drink several cups each day.

Invigorating and aromatic spices such as cardamom, cinnamon and cloves do wonders for your digestive system, and are perfectly balanced by Rooibos and Honey bush tea, which are naturally caffeine free.

This blend is perfect for any time of day, however it makes a great dessert after dinner, or a warming night-cap before bed. You can brew this one black, or with any kind of milk…soy, almond, cow’s, goats or rice milk, whichever takes your fancy.

Chai is traditionally brewed on the stove top and for those wanting to complete the authentic chai brewing ritual, just follow our step-by-step guide on the back of all love chai packages. If you would rather a quick brew, simply steep it in a teapot and add a dash of milk. So spice it up, chill out and kick back with an organic chai this winter…warming, tasty and so good for you!

3. Lemongrass & Ginger

Last but not least, my third tea of choice for winter is the zesty, warming, lemongrass and ginger tea. There is something very special about this blend. Warming, soothing, balancing and calming for the nervous system. It’s a great way to kick start your day, but its perfect anytime as it’s completely caffeine free. Anti-nausea and circulatory stimulating properties are just the beginning of a long list of health benefits that ginger has to offer. Its smooth, its full of flavor and it is a great way to warm up and get the blood moving this winter.

So now you know there is so much more to the world of tea, which can be quite enriching on many levels. So, grab your favorite mug, your tea of choice, sit back, and soak up the goodness.

Love Chai xxx